1 result for month: 09/2018

Announcements for the Week of September 2-8, 2018

Seekwell Announcements 2018 *Please check your calendar book for upcoming events. September Revivals and invites -September 5th - 7th Ain’t God Good Christian Church, Clinton, S.C., where Rev. Troy Price is the Pastor. -Sims Chapel Baptist Church, 2nd week -Our Church Conference is September 10th Bible Study will resume September 12th -Sunday, September 16h Rev. Rice will be the speaker at St. Matthew Baptist Church in Newberry where the Rev. Willie Hair is the Pastor. At 2:30p.m. -September 16th and 17th .........Love Chapel Holiness Church -We are invited to Fairview Baptist Church on September 16th for their Gospel Choir’s 35th annive...