This Week’s Announcements – 2/19/2017
Bible Study Wednesday night at 7 p.m.
Chapters 17 and 18 from the book, “The Shack”
Movie comes out March 3. We are planning an afternoon of fellowship to see the movie and dinner on Sunday, March 12th.
Reminder: Sign up for Polo/T-shirts and cups in the foyer,
Our Black History Program and Dinner is set for Feb. 26th during regular service. We will also be honoring our seniors and seniors in the nearby communities. If you know of a senior you would like recognized, please fill out a form and return it to Sis. Beth Brooks by Feb. 19th.
Bright Star Chapter #245 will meet Saturday, Feb. 25, 11:00 am. Fully dressed
Continue to Pray for our: Sick and Shut- In
Rosa Lee Sligh, Anna Mae Hodges, Chris McClurkin, Brian Clark, Dianne Jones, Jenell Harp, Louise Smith, Yvonne Monroe, Janie Jeter, Ruby H. Sims, Donna Barnes, Joseph Harp, Elmer Singly, and Mikie Jack
Our Church Sympathy is extended to the Hodges and Taylor families.
February Birthdays
Margaret Sims…..4th Jamaal Clark…5th George Davis…11th