Announcements for the Week of Nov 4 – Nov 10, 2018
Seekwell Announcements 2018
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
Bible Study, Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Come join us.
Call if you need a ride (803) 694-2506
- Cook out at Seekwell Today (November 4 after church). Everyone welcome. Free Food and fellowship.
- Clemson/Carolina can drive. May the Best Team Win! Our youth is also during a coat drive. Please help any way you can.
- NE Association World Day of Prayer is today at 2:00 p.m. Renwick Grove Baptist Church.
- We are invited to Fairview today for their Gospel Choir 35th anniversary program, 2pm.
- Our Prayer Breakfast will be, Saturday, Nov. 10th @9:00 am.
- Sunday, November 11th we are invited to Little Beaverdam Baptist Church, for their Pastor’s anniversary. Rev. Rice will be the guest speaker for this occasion. 2:00 p.m.
- We are invited to Spring Hill AME Zion Church on Nov. 11th at 2:30 pm. To welcome their new pastor and celebrate their annual Fall Festival.
- This Week: November Birthdays……..Carrie Lemon…2nd, Daniel Clark…3rd …..Will Smith…5th, Beth Brooks…8th
Continue prayer for all our Sick, Shut-Ins and all families in bereavement.