Announcements for the Week of February 17-24, 2019
Seekwell Announcements:
Come join us for Bible Study, Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Refreshments served.
February is Heart Health awareness month
New officers are needed for our Missionary, if interested there’s a meeting today (Feb. 17) to elect.
Our Black History program is Sunday, Feb. 24th during our regular morning worship. Sister Beth Brooks is the chairperson.
Ushers are asked to pay their dues, to Deacon George Clark (Usher treasury) ASAP
We have started our coins for Christmas drive, (Bottle is located center isle)
Also, this year ...
Announcements for the Week of February 10 – 17, 2019
Seekwell Announcements:
Bible Study Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Refreshments served
Our Missionary is in need of new officers, if anyone is interested please see the current President, Myrtle Strother or Vice- President, Joan Boyd.
Missionary meets today following the morning service.
Reminder to all ushers to pay their dues, $3 per month or $36 for the year. Please give all money to Deacon George Clark, usher treasury.
Reminder of our coins for Christmas bottle. All donations appreciated.
This year we will be starting a food and clothes bank and ...
Announcements for the Week of February 3-10, 2019
Seekwell Announcements:
Bible Study Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Refreshments served
February is heart awareness month. We ask the congregation to wear red next Sunday in support of heart health awareness.
Our Missionary is in need of new officers, if anyone is interested please see our current President, Myrtle Strother or Vice- President, Joan Boyd. The next meeting is Feb.11th following the morning service.
We need a chairperson for the Mother’s Day/Women’s Day Program.
Any youth, ages 4-7 are invited to Seekwell for a movie and pizza gathering. ...