Announcements for the week of June 4 – 9, 2018
Seekwell Announcements:
Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
Come join us for Bible Study on Wednesdays, at 6:30 pm.
We have started our Cancer Drive in honor of Deacon Yancey Dawkins this year. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Sis. Angela Clark.
Men’s Ministry will be taking the boys on a fishing trip to Orangeburg on June 9th.
Parents must sign a permission form for your child to attend. They are planning to leave from the church at 7:00 a.m.
Mrs. Virginia Rice will be speaking at a Women’s Conference on June 9th at 9:00 ...
Announcements for the Week of May 27-Jun 1, 2018
Seekwell Announcements:
Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
Come join us for Bible Study on Wednesdays, at 6:30 pm.-
Congratulation to Jazmine Curenton and Lomas Davis
They will graduate from Whitmire Community School Wednesday, May 30th -
June Reminders
VBS June 11-14 from 6 -8 pm. come join us. Everyone Welcome -
Men’s Ministry will be taking the boys on a fishing trip to Orangeburg on June 9th
Parents must sign a permission form for your child to attend. They plan to leave at 9:00 am. -
Mrs. Virginia Rice will be speaking at a Women’s ...
Announcements for the Week of May 14 – 19, 2018
Seekwell Announcements:
Please check your calendar book for upcoming events. -
Our Women’s conference is Monday –Wednesday, (May 14-16) 6:00 p.m. each night. Workshops topics are: Forgiveness, Health, and Women in the Ministry.
Guest Speakers are: Rev. Iris Brown, Rev. Sandra McRant and Rev. Mona Cunningham. You are all invited and welcome. Please make plans to attend. -
Newberry County Relay for Life Survivor Dinner is Thursday, May 10th at St. Philips Lutheran Church Family Life Center. Relay is Saturday May 12, at Newberry College. All cancer survivors and 1 ...