Announcements for the Week of March 18-24, 2018

Seekwell Announcements: Please join us for Bible Study on Wednesday nights 6:30 pm. (During the winter months) We are studying the book “Through the Bible in one year” We are in the book of Judges - Our Youth Ministry is planning a retreat for our youth this year. Dates are: June 25, 26, 27 2018 (ages 8-18) All youth who plan to attend are required to do some fundraisers. You can contact Sister Tonia Clark (803 924-6272) for further information. - Ladies Aide dues are $11.30 and juvenile .10 - Save the Dates for Upcoming Events: Winter Workshop Classes ...

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Announcements for the Week of March 11-17, 2018

Seekwell Announcements: Please join us for Bible Study on Wednesday nights 6:30 pm. (During the winter months) We are studying the book “Through the Bible in one year” We are in the book of Judges - The Seekwell Gospel Choir will have their choir anniversary on Sunday, March 18, 2:00 p.m. You are invited. - Our Youth Ministry is planning a retreat for our youth this year. Dates are: June 25, 26, 27 2018 (ages 8-18) All youth who plan to attend are required to do some fundraisers. You can contact Sister Tonia Clark (803 924-6272) for further information. ...

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Announcements for the Week of March 4-10, 2018

Seekwell Announcements:   We invite you to Bible Study, Wed. 6:30 p.m We are in the book of Judges. - The Gospel Choir will practice today at 5:00 p.m. Our Anniversary is March 18, you are invited. - Our Missionary will meet next Sunday, March 11th after the morning service. - Youth Fellowship - March 17th - NEBEMA annual Usher Ministry Workshop will be Saturday, March 24th at the Newberry County Sheriff’s office, with the focus on church safety. - Deacons and Trustees meet on Tues., March 27th - Save the dates: April 7th Champions Gala. Ap...

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