This Week’s Announcements: (Jun 25-Jul 1)
Seekwell Announcements:
Please join us for Bible Study each Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
We are studying the book of Leviticus. -
The deadline for our 150th Booklet Ads have been extended until the end of June (June 30th)
No ads will be accepted after this date. -
Our Missionary will have their annual Missionary day program, Sunday, July 9th during our regular morning service. All women are asked to wear white on this day. -
The New Enoree Baptist Congress of Christian Education 111th Annual Session (State Level) will be held in Sumter S.C. July 9-14. ...
This Week’s Announcements: (June 11-18)
Seekwell Announcements: Week of (June 11th – 18th)
No Bible Study this week -
Vacation Bible School starting Monday, June 12th at 6:00 pm. through Thursday, June 15th Everyone Welcome!
Theme: “FAITH RUN” on course with God -
The deadline for our 150th Booklet Ads have been extended until the end of June. There’s still time for you to purchase an Ad -
E & M Women’s convention June 12th – 16th Columbia S. C. -
Father /Son Breakfast Saturday, June 17th 9:00 am. Minister Shaunfhillip Dash will be the guest speaker. ...
This Week’s Announcements: (May 28 – Jun 3)
Weekly Announcements: Week of (May 28- June 3)
Bible Study this week, the book of Leviticus -
Check your Calendars for upcoming events in June -
PRAYER AT NOON...Saturday, June 3, Lake Monticello Highway 215
Come One Come All as we pray for the Healing of Our Nation.
Pack a Picnic Lunch and enjoy the Lake with your family and friends -
E & M Women’s convention June 12th – 16th Columbia S. C. -
Seekwell Vacation Bible School, June 12th – 15th -
Father /Son Breakfast Saturday, June 17th
Men’s Day Program....June 18th during ...