Announcements for the Week of September 2-8, 2018

Seekwell Announcements 2018
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.

September Revivals and invites

-September 5th – 7th Ain’t God Good Christian Church, Clinton, S.C., where Rev. Troy Price is the Pastor.

-Sims Chapel Baptist Church, 2nd week

-Our Church Conference is September 10th Bible Study will resume September 12th

-Sunday, September 16h Rev. Rice will be the speaker at St. Matthew Baptist Church in Newberry where the Rev. Willie Hair is the Pastor. At 2:30p.m.

-September 16th and 17th ………Love Chapel Holiness Church

-We are invited to Fairview Baptist Church on September 16th for their Gospel Choir’s 35th anniversary, at 2:00p.m.

-We are invited to Weeping Mary Baptist Church on September 16t for their Gospel Choir’s
39th anniversary program .2 p.m.

Our praise dance program has been canceled for this year.

Ladies Aide dues are $11.30 and Juveniles .40

Continue to prayer for all our SICK and SHUT – IN, and all families in bereavement.

Birthdays: Rev. Sandra Worthy…4th

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