This Week’s Announcements: (Jun 25-Jul 1)
Seekwell Announcements:
Please join us for Bible Study each Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
We are studying the book of Leviticus. –
The deadline for our 150th Booklet Ads have been extended until the end of June (June 30th)
No ads will be accepted after this date. –
Our Missionary will have their annual Missionary day program, Sunday, July 9th during our regular morning service. All women are asked to wear white on this day. –
The New Enoree Baptist Congress of Christian Education 111th Annual Session (State Level) will be held in Sumter S.C. July 9-14. Register online at [email protected]
– Our Local Congress will be held at Bethlehem Baptist Church July 17th – 20th 6:30 nightly
“A Beautiful Woman in Christ “Representing Christ every “Hat “that you wear.
One of the presenters will be our First Lady Mrs. Virginia Rice. July 19, 6:30 pm. –
Our Youth will have their annual Youth Choir Anniversary, Sunday, July 23rd (Time: TBA) –
Annual Revival Invitations :
Spring Hill 3rd Sunday, July 16th
Trinity A.M.E. 4th Sunday, July 23th
– Minister Sandra Worthy will have her Ordination Service on the 5th Sunday (July 30th) 2:30pm.
Continue to pray for our Sick and Shut-in