Announcements for the Week of Nov 4 – Nov 10, 2018
Seekwell Announcements 2018
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
Bible Study, Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Come join us.
Call if you need a ride (803) 694-2506
Cook out at Seekwell Today (November 4 after church). Everyone welcome. Free Food and fellowship.
Clemson/Carolina can drive. May the Best Team Win! Our youth is also during a coat drive. Please help any way you can.
NE Association World Day of Prayer is today at 2:00 p.m. Renwick Grove Baptist Church.
We are invited to Fairview today for their Gospel Choir 35th anniversary program, ...
Announcements for the Week of Oct 28 – Nov 3, 2018
Seekwell Announcements 2018
Bible Study resumes this week (Oct.31st ) Please come join us 6:30 p.m.
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
October Breast cancer awareness month
Clemson/Carolina can drive. May the Best Team Win!
Our youth is also during a coat drive. Please help any way you can.
We are invited to Metropolitan Baptist Church today (Oct.28 ) for their Gospel Choir anniversary at 2:00 p.m.
Our Rally Day ($151.00 assessment.) Make checks payable to Seekwell Baptist Church and give to the captain of your choice.
Birthdays: ...
Announcements for the Week of Oct 22 – Oct 28, 2018
Seekwell Announcements 2018
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
No Bible Study this week. We will resume on Oct.31st
October Breast cancer awareness month
Reminder: Clemson/Carolina Can Drive. May the Best Team Win!
Our youth is also during a Coat Drive. Please help any way you can.
Bright Star Chapter @245 will meet Oct. 27 at 10:30 a.m. casual dress at the chapter room.
We are invited to Metropolitan Baptist Church on Oct.28 for their Gospel Choir anniversary at 2:00 p.m.
Oct 28th Annual Rally Day (changed date for this ...