Announcements for the Week of Nov 25 – Dec 1, 2018
Seekwell Announcements:
Bible Study this week, we will resume Nov. 28th
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
• Clemson/Carolina (can food drive.) May the Best Team Win! Our youth is also doing a coat drive. Please help any way you can. Deadline is Dec.16th
• Our Christmas program and dinner is set for Dec. 16th. please make plans to attend. All family and friends are invited.
Continue prayer for all our sick and shut-ins, and all families in Bereavement
November Birthdays........Carrie Lemon...2nd Daniel Clark......
Announcements for the Week of Nov 18 – 25, 2018
Seekwell Announcements:
No Bible Study this week, we will resume Nov. 28th
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
• Clemson/Carolina (can food drive.) May the Best Team Win! Our youth is also doing a coat drive. Please help any way you can. Deadline is Dec.16th
• Our Christmas program and dinner is set for Dec. 16th. please make plans to attend. All family and friends are invited.
• Congratulations to MCHS varsity cheerleading competition team for winning the state championship. Nadia Bookman, (Sis. Betty’s granddaughter) is ...
Announcements for the Week of Nov 11 – 17, 2018
Seekwell Announcements
Bible Study, Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Come join us.
Call if you need a ride call (803) 694-2506 or 940-9442
We will have light refreshments after each study.
*Please check your calendar book for upcoming events.
• Our Missionary will be delivering dinners to our Seniors on Saturday, November 17th. If you know of a senior citizen in need, please contact Sis. Myrtle Strother @ 803-694-3233
• Clemson/Carolina can drive. May the Best Team Win!
• Our youth is also doing a coat drive. Please help any way you can. Deadline for donations ...